onsdag, januar 31, 2007

Grip dagen/Carpe Diem!

Mitt store ”mål” her i live var lenge å bli 1.80 m høg. Elles har eg tatt ting som dei har komet.

Men eg blei aldri 1.80 m høg,. Dette va mitt ”store” mål fordi ein eller anna sa til meg for mange år sidan, at ein neste måtte være minst 1.80 for å spille midtstoppar, som eg gjerne ville bli. Nå har eg funne ut at fotball ikkje er det viktigaste her i livet (men kanskje det viktigaste av dei uviktige tinga?), eg bli aldri nokon ny Gary Mabutt og forresten eg har også funnet ut at eg likar betre å spele på høgre back.

Kva er eller kva bør være mitt store mål her i livet? Kva vil eg bruka livet mit til?

Dette er tankar som eg har brukt masse tid på i dei siste vekene. Eg har aldri stressa med slike ting, eg har alltid valt det trygge og kjente når eg har valt skuler og slike ting før.
Eg angrar ikkje på vala mine så langt i livet, eg er rett og slett nøgd :)

Men nå føler eg at eg har komet til det berømte vegskiljet her i livet. At nå må eg ta eit val.
Men kva skal eg velje?
Kva skal eg bli? Skal eg studera til hausten? Skal eg jobba? Kva skal eg studera/jobba med?

”Gud har ein plan med det liv”, det er noko som eg og har tenkt på, dette er også noko som eg trur på. Samtidig når eg tenker på det, so dukkar dei same spørsmåla opp da. Kva og kor vil Han at eg ska bruka livet mit til?
Ein anna ting, er at eg trur at Gud også har ein backup plan for både meg og deg, at så lenge eg er villig, så kan han bruka meg uansett kva eg velje å studere, jobbar, reiser eller bur.

Jeremia 29 11-13
”For jeg vet de tanker jeg tenker om dere, seier Herren. Det er fredstanker og ikke tanker til ulykke. Jeg vil gi dere framtid og håp.

Og dere skal påkalle meg og gå av sted og be til meg, og jeg vil høre på dere.
Dere skal søke meg, og dere skal finne meg når dere finner meg av hele deres hjerte”

Eg har alltid sett på meg sjølv som ein person som klarer å sjå positivt på det meste.
Så eg må berre seia at : Eg trur ordne seg til det beste til slutt og at det i alle fall blir noko av meg og!

Masse tankar her, å eg veit ikkje om ein blog er den rette plassen og dela dei med folk.
Men eg håpar at kanskje nokon vil komme med litt forslag til meg, til kva eg bør satsa på her i livet, korleis eg kan gå fram for å finne ut kva eg vil eller berre anbefalingar.
Takker og bukkar for tips og råd :)

onsdag, januar 24, 2007

Why is it suddenly so quiet in the morning?

When I came back from the children camp, there was something missing in the morning, I am nor sure what, but I slept very good, and nobody or thing woke me up in the middle of the night. The same happened the two next days, before I started to wander where the rooster had gone. I asked the people in the house if it was the rooster that we had eaten the day before, but it was not it. A little bit later into the supper I heard my good friend, the rooster crow, but not from outside, but from the garage!!!!In the night the goat also get to come into the garage, but in the day, he gets to go out again, but the rooster has to stay in the garage all day long.

So what I am wondering now is “What is the rooster doing in the garage?
a) Are we going to slaughter it soon and eat it?
b) Have the family put it here, because it wakes me up so early?
c) Is the rooster watching the car?
d) Have the turned the garage to a pet house?
e) Or is there another explanation? And what is it?

What do you think?Write your answer as a comment.The best (or funniest) answer will get to download free, a picture of the rooster/cock!!!!

Another animal is the Turkey. First off all, he are not allowed to get into the garage, not in the day and not in the night, he has to go outside all day long. At least a couple of times during the last week I have said to Per “This Turkey, he is a stupid, stupid animal”. But why do I say this about a innocent animal???Ok, in the morning when I am going to take a shower, I go out, and see this animal standing knocking his bill (nebb) against the car. When I am going to work, he is still doing it.When I come back from work, he is still on it. When I come back from my run, he is still knocking.

People says to me that the reason is that he sees him self in the car (like a mirror), and therefore he knocks the reflected image. I can buy this explanation, which he thinks he sees another turkey, but still, when he does this all day long, day after day, he must get the point soon. (And some times the car alarm start in the middle of the night, and then I often hear this animal, so I think maybe he also in the middle of the night, goes at start knocking on the car).I know it is not nice to call somebody or something stupid, so I am really sorry for calling this Turkey stupid, maybe I should just say “this less intelligent animal”

lørdag, januar 20, 2007

Nordic Sportsday

Today I have been on the Nordic Sporstday here in Uganda. There were both competition sports and just social sports. Since Norway had a quiet small group, I had do been en many of the activities, but that’s was fine with me. Denmark had at least three times as many participants as Norway, and Sweden twice.I ran 3,6 Km (Norway came 1,2 and 5 (me :p), than almost everyone swam 300 meters, before I was in the Norwegian swimming relay team, sadly we came last there. In the football we lost again a Danish team, beat Sweden two times, and beat another Danish team, so that was fun. Good to play some football again. I scored two goals, of course it is not so serious, and the level was not so high, but it is always fun to put the ball in the goal :pThan in the Running relay race and the tug of war Norway came second. Overall Denmark won, Sweden second and Norway third.The most important it not to win, but to compete ;)

I hade a great day, got to meet many new people, and got to do a lot of training, and I really need that:p and I liked very much to play football again. And there are some Danish abased people that are training every Tuesday nearby, so I could join them, so that is really great.

Children camp

I am sitting writing this blog, when I really should have been sleeping, because I have trouble holding my eyes open today. But as often before, when I am really tired, I manage to everything else except sleeping, for example: writing a blog. (That I am not going to publish before tomorrow, and therefore could have written it than). It will be good to sleep long tomorrow.The Infield course ended at Sunday, and of course we did not sleep so much there and then straight to the Focus’s children camp from Monday to Thursday. At there we have to stand up before 6.Am and than I had to take the kids for a jogging trip, in the evening they where very awake, and did all other things than sleep (does it sound familiar? :p).

But if you have a good time, you don’t need so much sleep, and I hade a god time. And is also very giving to see the children so happy, and to see they are really having a good time, who need sleep than. There are many things to tell about the camp, everything from swimming in the Victoria Lake to all the different seminars we had.I will just write short about two things I remember wellthe first was when they where going to have a “street” dancing contest between the to kids pros jet that was on the camp. (FOCUS and another nearby pros jet). I have seen this kids dancing in the evening early at the camp, and they can really dance. But suddenly now, nobody wanted to dance, everyone sat there. So I thought: “Yeah, Yeah. If I go a dance, people will get a good laugh, and see that they can at least do better than this crazy Mozungo”, so I went and “challenged” one of the leaders from the other pros jet. And we where going to street dance against each other.I do not know who won, because luckily for me, he is the only one I have meet from Uganda ( and many other countries), that is almost as poor as me at dancing :p But people laugh and had fund, and we did also.Sometimes you just have to swallow your pride, and be a little crazy:p
(I haven’t got any picture from the dance yet, but I shall try to get and put it out)The second was when we where make chapaties, they where going to make around 250, and they where planning to use a couple of hours or so, but it took much longer, think they started before six pm, and finished around 1.Am. Why they did use so long time? I do no knowbut I used the opportunities to take some pictures and films, and of course also try to make it my self. So I think I will try to make some after I go back homehere is a picture of me in action.And thirdly (I know I wrote to thing, but this is still the third)It is good to see how people here in Uganda, sings and moves at church and meetings, and the rhythm they have here is really nice and gets you in a good mood.But tonight when we came back to our host family, and there we prayed and sang a little bit together, and it was nice and relaxing to sing these there songs: As a deer, what a friend we have in Jesus and. The two first songs, I love so sing in my church back home (and of course here, when I get the chance), specially when we have meeting where both youth and old people are. I love this “bedehussanga” (old Christian hymns).I just felt to mention these.
Today (or tonight) I will end by posting a lucky shoot I made with my camera. I will just call it The Butterfly and Per

fredag, januar 19, 2007

Picture from Innfield

I was going to uppdate my blog, that I hade written yesterday, but I forgot it at home:p

So until next time I am on the net.

here is a picture from the Infield course.

søndag, januar 14, 2007

3-2-1- BUNGEE

from Wednesday to Sunday, we where 14 students and 2 teachers from Hald at Blue Mango Hotel in Kampala. Where there for our Infield course, we had some teaching, reflections, counselling and of course a lot of social. I had a really good time, it was so fun to be together with so many friends again, to share good and bad thing so fare in our stay abroad, and also to get advice from the teachers and the other students.In my room we where six guys, at three two-storeyed bunk, so it was quit cramped. But that was ok, because we where out of the room most of the day, and it was so fun to just talk nonsense (Tullprat) too late in the night:pHade some really good days. So thank you all, I look forward to see you all at Hald again.

Before I finish this blog, I have to say something about when we went Bungee jumping, because that was soo cool and fun. (Just for the record, the Bungee we did at our spare time, so the school did not organise it.) We hade to jump from at tower, which was 44 meters from the water surface, and what a kick it was to jump, you are trying not to look down, but of course you do, your heart is pumping more than unusual, and than the bungee guide says “3-2-1-BUNGY”, and you have to jump and bungee. It was so cool to be in the air, and than straight in to the water (you could choose if you wanted to touch the water or not). I hade three jumps, the first and the second was lovely, and I hade almost my half body in the water. The last jump, was crazy, since I was the last person jumping, I got some extra rope, so I think almost all my body was under water (maybe except the ankles). I can describe it, but it felt good and was a really adrenaline kick!!!Here I have put some pictures together of my jump. (The pictures is taken by Aina M Svendsen and Øystein Ruud)

mandag, januar 08, 2007

Better late than never!

Today I finally got the packaged my mother had sent my in the end of November. (She has sent a cd with pictures in October, but that is still somewhere else then here:p). It actually arrived in Kampala 13.Desember, but they did not send out the letter before a week after, and then the FOCUS office closed for the Christmas, and this was my first day after New Year, but it was worth waiting for.This was what I found in the package:
- Nordvestlandskalendere 2007 (Calder of 2007 with pictures from the part of Norway I live in. In fact at the front, there where a picture from a lighthouse on my Island (Godøya) and there was also a picture inside with Godøya on it, Beautiful!)
- Dumle lollipop
- Six different kind of Christmas magazine (Donald, NR.91 Stomeperud, Flåklypa, Mickey Mouse, Billy and Knoll og Tott)
- Three packages with Vestlansk Lefse (type of griddle cake (thin, potato-based pastry traditionally served with butter).
- Lasagne plats and lasagne powder (so now I can make lasagne by my self:p )-
- Two pack of Norwegian rice porridge (Fast food, only 5 minutes cooking time).
- Four Kick liquorice stick ( Two ordinary and two with lemon taste).
- Christmas marzipan
- Mør (Yeah, I know this is a Norwegian word, but I do not knot what I shall translate this word, I now many Norwegians also have problem with this word. But that’s life.. hehe:p )
- Many copies of the famous Norwegian Newspaper Sunmørsposten (and one Nytt I Uka paper).- Smulting/dough ring
I would like to thank everyone that was a part of this Christmas package (or as some of my family maybe would say “Nødsending) and the packages that are somewhere between Norway, Uganda and the sun. :p

Here is the picture of the food:

P.SI know the Smulting is gone in the picture, but I let the people in the office taste it, and they loved it.P.S P.SSince on of my New Year resolutions where that I am going to eat less candy. So I will of course save the candy to another time.
As my mother told me when I was little: “Candy you should only eat on Saturdays and at Party’s).

lørdag, januar 06, 2007

Happy New Year! (Gøtt år og takk for det gamle)

Finni and me and Java

Since the last post, I have been in Kenya and Nairobi me, per, Aina and Ingrid went for the Ezra conference, which was hosted by Focus Kenya. We arrived two days early for the conference, so we stayed with the Norwegian Hald students in Nairobi. It was really good to see them again and to see how they are living and to sheer our time in Africa so fare.I liked the conference very much; it was much program every day, a little bit more than we are used to back home. I had some interesting meetings and seminars; I think I liked the seminar about leadership the most.On New Years Eve, we were 13 Norwegians together ( the 12 Hald students based in Kenya and Uganda and the sister of Thomas), so we hade to have a Norwegian feature in the New Years program. We also celebrated the New Year twice, since we are two hours in front hear, we also celebrated the Norwegian New Year. I also met some nice people from South Africa, which I got to know. If I was going to South Africa someday, I must come and visit them, and I could stay with them. So I think that in the year 2010, in the summer would be good time to visit South Africa.

We stayed in Kenya for a week, and me, Per and Finnie managed to go to town four times, so I go to see some of Nairobi town, it is more western and modern than Kampala. So I felt like a tourist, and also did some shopping. And we also found our "own" coffee shop, Java, which in fact visited all four times, some times eating, some times dirking milkshakes or coffee.So what about the bus trip to and from Nairobi, when we arrived in Nairobi we used 13 hours, and they said we should use 10 hours. And the way back… Back we drove over the night, we used 17 Hours, and I did not sleep at all:p and a little tip, if you are going to take bus here, sit as long as you can in front in the bus, before if you sit behind, you will really feel all the bumps in the road, and in the route between Kampala and Nairobi, you will fin many, small and big.

Ok, if you don’t know way I want to go to South Africa in 3 ½ year, I will tell you: It is because they are going to host the football World Cup then, hopefully the Norwegian also will qualify.And to before I finish this post, I will write down my New Year resolutions (for the rest of my time here in Uganda).

1) At least 3 jogging trips every week
2) Eat some fruits every day.
3) Eat less candy and drink lesser sodas during the week.

Ingrid, Aina and Per

Kari-Anne, Marit og Marianne