There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heaven
Planning meeting
Last weekend we use to be in a planning meeting with some other Focus staff, we discuss who they can have a better impact on the different campus this year. What Focus can do have a bigger and better impact on the students. We made a quit a lot of plans, but most is after we will leave, so we were mostly just listening. But it was three long days.
On that Saturday I also was teacher for a lesson at the children pros jet, I where in Class 4 (the oldest class). I had Health class, and I these day Emotions and Health was the theme, and I was going to teach them about psychosomatic illness. Quit a theme to start your teacher carrier with, there where so many hard word that I have problem (or could not) explaining I Norwegian and even pronouncing in Norwegian. But with some in advance reading and studying in the book I got, I think it went ok. At least I know some more about Psychosomatic illnesses.
Bible camp
Then I and the rest of the Team Kampala have been on a bible camp for six days in Gerenge (the camp sit to FOCUS). There was only around 25 persons (some days even under 20), but that was a good thing, it made it to a camp without stress. So I had some nice days. Everyday we had bible exposition about the Gospel of Mark, and I thought this was very interesting, and I learn a lot. There are so many more things you will find when you really dig deep into the text, and of course when you work together with other, and have a good teacher and access to different bible helps. We had also some other seminar, games and good time to rest and take a swim in Lake Victoria.
What to come:
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday these week, we are going to a Safari, it is something a really look forward to. I have heard that the national park we are going to have at least, hippos, crocodiles, antelopes, many birds and some beautiful water falls. In my next blog I will of course write about this trip.
Than the two weekends we (us four Norwegians and on of our bosses) are going to visit some universities in some other districts.
So it will be quit a lot of travelling in February.
I hade to also say some few words about these movie, because I have loved the Rocky series, may except number five (For the people that do not know, Rocky is a movie(s) about a boxer called Rocky, and is played by Sylvester Stallone). So what can I say about the movie? I will just say that I liked it and, that I have to see the other Rocky movies again. If you the other Rocky movie, I recommend that you also see this.
I will end this blog with writing these words from the movie: “It ain’t over til it’s over”
1 kommentar:
Hehe...du og dissa filmane dine!
hmm...ja, ville berre sei hei ej:) Haape daakke hadde d kjekt paa safari!:) Haape daakke saag maange spennande dyr, og at daakke nytte synet av alt d vakre som Gud he skapt!=)
No e d karnevalstid her i Brasil. D e skikkeli stort her borte. Men dei evangelsik kristne feira ikkje karneval. eller i alle fall ikkje paa den maaten som oss tenke paa karneval. Men trur d blir kjekt likevel:) Oss skal til Joinville paa en stor komferanse der. D blir kjekt!:) Og so skal oss mote foreldra til Rafaela. Arti!:)Oj, ditta blei et laangt innlegg...skal avslutte no! hehe...
Onske dej ei velsigna siste tid i Uganda!:)
Klem fraa Ragnhild=)
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