tirsdag, desember 26, 2006

Ein annalens julefeiring

Dette med å feire jula vekke frå familien, trudde eg skulle bli det vanskeligaste (saman med maten) før eg reiste til Uganda. Maten he faktisk godt bra, like vel om det er uvanleg å ete middag til kvelds, ofte etter klokka 22.00 på kvelden :P
So kva med jula? Eg var nervøs for at dette skulle bli den tida eg verkelig fekk heimlengsel, der eg verkelig skulle ønske eg var heime. Men det har overraskande nokke ikkje skjedd.
Ikkje det at eg ikkje savne familie og vennar heime, for de
t gjer eg verkelig, eg gler meg til å sjå alle saman igjen. Gled meg til å feire jul igjen saman med dokke neste år, der eg får med meg, julemiddagen, juleselskap med besta, førjulsturneringa, romjulsturneringa og alt anna som høre jula til.

Men i staden å bruke mykje tid på å tenke på alt eg kunna ha opplevd, alt som er så trygt og kjært. Så gjekk eg inn i jula med den innstillinga om at dette blei ei annalens jul, ei julefeiring som eg bare kommer til å få oppleve ein gong, so kvifor ikkje berre prøve å kose meg og nyte den. Å d klarte eg, sitter nå på Boxing Day å skrive denne bloggen (2 juledag).
So her komme litt om korleis Julaftan og 1.juledag var.


Dagen starte med at eg for saman med vertsfamilien i kyrkja, denne dagen so var gudstenesta litt spesiell i forhold til vanleg. Dei hadde laga til eit julespel, som inneheld song, dans, drama, musikk og masse meir. Dei hadde også utvida og funne på litt ekstra innhald i juleevangelia, var mykje humor i spelet, so eg likte det veldig bra. I motsetning til mange andre julespel eg har sett, so var til og med Gud og Satan med i spelet. Elles var det mykje synging av julesongar under gudstenesta, so eg likte det veldig godt.
I motsetning til oss i Noreg, so feira dei ikkje på julaftan, men første juledag.
So på kvelden so for oss (Eg, Per, Ingrid og Aina) på grillparty at med brødrane våre. Å sete ute å ete grillmat er vel veldig langt unna korleis oss feira jula h
eime:p men det var ein anna leis, men fin julaftan. Å eg fekk også ein telefon heima frå, so vå kjekt å få prata litt med dei.


Starta også i dag med å fare i kyrkja, i dag merka ein på folk at dette var ein spesiell dag, folk var so glad og fulle av energi. Og det merkast på mange av songane, tok heilt av på dei siste songane (fekk filma litt, so fær vise det når eg kjem heim), det var no berre morosamt. Etter det so var det å ønske folk God jul, før ein for heim og skulle ete j
ulemiddag (eller julelunsj som ein kallar det her). Aina og Ingrid var også invitert heim til oss.
So kva var det oss fekk til mat, her er noko av det : kylling/hane, kalkun, gris, biff, chips, irish og søt poteter, 2 forskjellige risa, 3 forskjellige juicen, vatn og Chapati (Kanskje meir med:P)

So blei det å slappe av resten av dagen, avslutta med kake (sia to av brødrane våre hadde vært bursdag i Desember) å restekvelds. Før ein avslutta med å synge og be.

So det var litt av jula mi, blei kanskje litt lang blogg denne gangen.
Eg har hatt ei God men annalens jul, men sitter igjen med
ei positivt inntrykk.
Uansett så feira oss jul av den same grunn, at Jesus blei født. Å det er vel kanskje ein ting som eg har fått tid til å tenke meir på, vekke frå ”julestresset” som er heime. Det er i alle fall ein bra ting og ta med seg.

Eg reiser nå til Kenya og Nairobi, skal feire nyttår der, skal være med på ein konferanse i regi av FOCUS Kenya. Blir vel der ei 7-8 dagar, så det blir vel inga oppdateringa på bloggen før det.


A Christmas away from home

One of the things I thought would be most difficult with going to stay in another country for six months was celebrating Christmas away from your family. For is it a time true the year when it is family, it has to be Christmas. And also it will be a different way of celebrating.
As the same as everything else (for example the food), thing are different, but still I have had liked it, I have had a good Christmas, I have enjoyed, had a good time with my host family. And the Christmas message is the same here, we celebrate Christmas for the same reason as home. A good thing with these Christmas is that I have had more time to think about the reason that we celebrate, that Jesus was born.


mandag, desember 18, 2006

All you need is love

Why do I write these as a headline for my blogg post? Is it because I really believe it? Is it because I really love to listen to Beatles song? Or is it because in the last eight days, I have been to a Wedding, a 30-years wedding anniversary party and an end of year meeting for the singles in the DC Churches in Kampala?

Here, there, everywhere

Yeah, it started with a wedding last Saturday, when our boss Sam Opolot finally got Alice as a wife, it were a nice wedding, where we four Norwegian “had” to sing a couple of verses of the song “O`store Gud”, and I also mad a little introduction speech to the song. Luckily the three other ones are good singers, and I was sure not to hold the microphone:P
and there was a lot of dancing in between the speeches. (Søse dansing for å sei d på fint norsk :P). Here is a picture of the wedding couple. I think maybe Sam says to Alice “ I Want To Hold Your Hand”

On the following Friday our hostmother`s sister and husband was celebrating there 30th wedding anniversary, and Masters Kay & Peer was of course invited. (On the envelope and in the invitation card, there in fact stood Masters in front of our name. I think that’s was very funny, so I am going to save them). I liked the party very much, many good and funny speeches and stories. And I also think it is very good to so see that the husband still can make his wife blush, when he gives here so many different names in his speech, lovely. I can easily say to him She Loves You.

On Sunday it was time for the yearly meeting for the singles in the DC churches here in Kampala, and of course, me and Per attended that also. We almost had to find out who the singles celebrates their parties. They discuss a couple of things, that I think was just a small t thing, and should be over in less than 10 minutes. But in the culture they love to discuss, so it took almost two hours, Help. But it also a good thing to think that we can work it out. The meeting was ok, and it was fun when our good friend and workmate Apollo, was elected to be the president in the club for the next two years. So here is a picture of the El Presidento

And since we are into singles, I just want to send a warm message back home, in the week between Christmas and New Year's Eve (in Norwegian it is much easier, we just say Romjul), our Singles club (BedeHusKaraUtenKvinne) are going to have their yearly meeting. I just hope and try to Imagine that next year there our club will contain less members (our goal is to end the club:P )

I fell fine but Please Mr.Postman look and see if there is a letter in your bag for me, at least my mother has sent my letters, and the first she sent for over seven weeks ago. (not Yesterday). Of course I look forward to Get back home, but still I like the time I spend here in Uganda, and look forward to the time to come.
From Me To You here is a little Christmas greeting: Hello, Goodby, Let it Be a good and friendly Christmas for you all.

How many names of Beatles songs can you find in this text?

mandag, desember 11, 2006

To sleep or not to sleep

Is to wake up at 2.AM and not managing to go sleep again a good ting or a bad ting?To find that out I will look at the different tings, and put them in Negative or Positive

Positive: - Have good time to read
- Can listen to your mp3 player.
- When the cook crows at 4.Am outside your window, you are already awake, so he dose not wake you up. Also at 4.15. 5.00, 6.00 and so on.
- You can sneeze-
- When the Cook at 4.30 has problems to crow, you can laugh.
- When the car alarm goes off, outside your window at 5.15. You are still not a sleep, so it will not wake you up.
- You have good time to think about the people that means a lot to you.
- You can think about your future, try to find out something clever.
- Since the power the last days, has been gone true the day, and only comes back in the night (3.30 Am I think), you can charge your mobile phone that is completely out of power.
- When the Alarm on your phone says it is time to stand up, you are already up.
- You will probably sleep a lot better the following night.

- You will maybe be a little tiered true the day.
- You will maybe have a little bit headache
- When you stand up you still do not have a clue for what you are going to do in the future.
- You now that the cook will try again next night, and several times
- If you sneeze too much, you will wake up your roommate.

- You can use your laptop, to play a game, watch movies, series, write your paper, blogs, and mails. (The problem is that I do not want to wake up my room mate, but if you have your one room and laptop you have many possibilities.
- You can train.
- Write letter for hand (if you like that).

So after I have looked at this, I just have to say that there is not any question about that staying awake true the night, has to be a positive ting. So if you think that the day has to little hours to do what you want, there is a lot of possibilities true the night.

Some question at the end.
1) I thought that the role to the cook was to wake up farmer, when the sun stands up. So can you tell me why he “cries” all true the night?2) Would you ever think about having a cook as a pet? Give me a good reason
3) What do you thing about my list? Do you a
ree? Or would you put it up a little different?

My bed

onsdag, desember 06, 2006

Trip to Bushenyi and Rwanda

On Wednesday we went to Bushenyi (me, Per, Aina and Ingrid) to visit Kathrine and Anne Margrethe. We stayed there until Friday morning when we all six went to Rwanda, where we stayed to Sunday. I hade a very good time, and there is a lot to tell, but I am not going to bore you with too much, so I will just tell a couple of things that we did do.On our trip south we stopped at the equator line, this was really cool, we could now be at the north, middle, and south and once. They also showed us a experience, the water in north and south will go different way, and in the middle, it will just go straight, if you pore water bucket (with hole) and let in pore out. Hard to explain, but I have filmed it, so when I come back I am going to showed it. It was something everyone should see, was so cool.
Bushenyi is a lovely place, and I fell much more relax there, than I am in Kampala, because it is so much more peaceful and the scenery is so beautiful.

So what about Rwanda and Kigali (the capital), I liked this town very much, its is very clean and beautiful. On Friday we just walk a little bit around the town, before we found a place to eat, I order spaghetti Bolognese, and it was so good, one of the best spaghetti I have ever eaten. On Saturday we were on another place, and eat pizzas, this were also very good, so I have a good experience with the food in Rwanda. Yeah, I now that I only ate Italian dishes :p
On Saturday we first visited a church where there in 94 was a massacre and than a Museum, the stories we where told and learn there, were so strong. In the church we visited, there was once 10 000 lock and killed inside the church. I can believe that people could and can do such ting to each other. I have no words to describe it, but I thing people should be told the stories, so that maybe we will learn, and than it will never happen again.We spend the day with and Australian backpacker, that luckily for us spoke very good French, so he could translate for us. Since the in Rwanda spoke French.I had a good time in Rwanda, and I my only regret is that we did not have more days to spend their.

The story of the hunt for “Sjokoladepålegg” (chocolate spread)

For the people that don now. Me and Per have searched all Kampala many times for chocolate spread (for ex: Nugatti, Sjokade or Nutella), we found that they had Nutella, but in Kampala all was/and are still sold out. And we have asked several times “When does the Nutella come in?” Maybe next week people tell us, every time. But to the point, on Friday, in the first shop vi visited in Kigali, what do we find in the shelves. Nutella and another brand, so me and Per have no 4 jars with Chocolate spreads. And hopefully they will have gotten more in Kampala, before we are finished with those
So what to search for next? Maybe Brunost and Stranda mør?