tirsdag, desember 26, 2006

Ein annalens julefeiring

Dette med å feire jula vekke frå familien, trudde eg skulle bli det vanskeligaste (saman med maten) før eg reiste til Uganda. Maten he faktisk godt bra, like vel om det er uvanleg å ete middag til kvelds, ofte etter klokka 22.00 på kvelden :P
So kva med jula? Eg var nervøs for at dette skulle bli den tida eg verkelig fekk heimlengsel, der eg verkelig skulle ønske eg var heime. Men det har overraskande nokke ikkje skjedd.
Ikkje det at eg ikkje savne familie og vennar heime, for de
t gjer eg verkelig, eg gler meg til å sjå alle saman igjen. Gled meg til å feire jul igjen saman med dokke neste år, der eg får med meg, julemiddagen, juleselskap med besta, førjulsturneringa, romjulsturneringa og alt anna som høre jula til.

Men i staden å bruke mykje tid på å tenke på alt eg kunna ha opplevd, alt som er så trygt og kjært. Så gjekk eg inn i jula med den innstillinga om at dette blei ei annalens jul, ei julefeiring som eg bare kommer til å få oppleve ein gong, so kvifor ikkje berre prøve å kose meg og nyte den. Å d klarte eg, sitter nå på Boxing Day å skrive denne bloggen (2 juledag).
So her komme litt om korleis Julaftan og 1.juledag var.


Dagen starte med at eg for saman med vertsfamilien i kyrkja, denne dagen so var gudstenesta litt spesiell i forhold til vanleg. Dei hadde laga til eit julespel, som inneheld song, dans, drama, musikk og masse meir. Dei hadde også utvida og funne på litt ekstra innhald i juleevangelia, var mykje humor i spelet, so eg likte det veldig bra. I motsetning til mange andre julespel eg har sett, so var til og med Gud og Satan med i spelet. Elles var det mykje synging av julesongar under gudstenesta, so eg likte det veldig godt.
I motsetning til oss i Noreg, so feira dei ikkje på julaftan, men første juledag.
So på kvelden so for oss (Eg, Per, Ingrid og Aina) på grillparty at med brødrane våre. Å sete ute å ete grillmat er vel veldig langt unna korleis oss feira jula h
eime:p men det var ein anna leis, men fin julaftan. Å eg fekk også ein telefon heima frå, so vå kjekt å få prata litt med dei.


Starta også i dag med å fare i kyrkja, i dag merka ein på folk at dette var ein spesiell dag, folk var so glad og fulle av energi. Og det merkast på mange av songane, tok heilt av på dei siste songane (fekk filma litt, so fær vise det når eg kjem heim), det var no berre morosamt. Etter det so var det å ønske folk God jul, før ein for heim og skulle ete j
ulemiddag (eller julelunsj som ein kallar det her). Aina og Ingrid var også invitert heim til oss.
So kva var det oss fekk til mat, her er noko av det : kylling/hane, kalkun, gris, biff, chips, irish og søt poteter, 2 forskjellige risa, 3 forskjellige juicen, vatn og Chapati (Kanskje meir med:P)

So blei det å slappe av resten av dagen, avslutta med kake (sia to av brødrane våre hadde vært bursdag i Desember) å restekvelds. Før ein avslutta med å synge og be.

So det var litt av jula mi, blei kanskje litt lang blogg denne gangen.
Eg har hatt ei God men annalens jul, men sitter igjen med
ei positivt inntrykk.
Uansett så feira oss jul av den same grunn, at Jesus blei født. Å det er vel kanskje ein ting som eg har fått tid til å tenke meir på, vekke frå ”julestresset” som er heime. Det er i alle fall ein bra ting og ta med seg.

Eg reiser nå til Kenya og Nairobi, skal feire nyttår der, skal være med på ein konferanse i regi av FOCUS Kenya. Blir vel der ei 7-8 dagar, så det blir vel inga oppdateringa på bloggen før det.


A Christmas away from home

One of the things I thought would be most difficult with going to stay in another country for six months was celebrating Christmas away from your family. For is it a time true the year when it is family, it has to be Christmas. And also it will be a different way of celebrating.
As the same as everything else (for example the food), thing are different, but still I have had liked it, I have had a good Christmas, I have enjoyed, had a good time with my host family. And the Christmas message is the same here, we celebrate Christmas for the same reason as home. A good thing with these Christmas is that I have had more time to think about the reason that we celebrate, that Jesus was born.


mandag, desember 18, 2006

All you need is love

Why do I write these as a headline for my blogg post? Is it because I really believe it? Is it because I really love to listen to Beatles song? Or is it because in the last eight days, I have been to a Wedding, a 30-years wedding anniversary party and an end of year meeting for the singles in the DC Churches in Kampala?

Here, there, everywhere

Yeah, it started with a wedding last Saturday, when our boss Sam Opolot finally got Alice as a wife, it were a nice wedding, where we four Norwegian “had” to sing a couple of verses of the song “O`store Gud”, and I also mad a little introduction speech to the song. Luckily the three other ones are good singers, and I was sure not to hold the microphone:P
and there was a lot of dancing in between the speeches. (Søse dansing for å sei d på fint norsk :P). Here is a picture of the wedding couple. I think maybe Sam says to Alice “ I Want To Hold Your Hand”

On the following Friday our hostmother`s sister and husband was celebrating there 30th wedding anniversary, and Masters Kay & Peer was of course invited. (On the envelope and in the invitation card, there in fact stood Masters in front of our name. I think that’s was very funny, so I am going to save them). I liked the party very much, many good and funny speeches and stories. And I also think it is very good to so see that the husband still can make his wife blush, when he gives here so many different names in his speech, lovely. I can easily say to him She Loves You.

On Sunday it was time for the yearly meeting for the singles in the DC churches here in Kampala, and of course, me and Per attended that also. We almost had to find out who the singles celebrates their parties. They discuss a couple of things, that I think was just a small t thing, and should be over in less than 10 minutes. But in the culture they love to discuss, so it took almost two hours, Help. But it also a good thing to think that we can work it out. The meeting was ok, and it was fun when our good friend and workmate Apollo, was elected to be the president in the club for the next two years. So here is a picture of the El Presidento

And since we are into singles, I just want to send a warm message back home, in the week between Christmas and New Year's Eve (in Norwegian it is much easier, we just say Romjul), our Singles club (BedeHusKaraUtenKvinne) are going to have their yearly meeting. I just hope and try to Imagine that next year there our club will contain less members (our goal is to end the club:P )

I fell fine but Please Mr.Postman look and see if there is a letter in your bag for me, at least my mother has sent my letters, and the first she sent for over seven weeks ago. (not Yesterday). Of course I look forward to Get back home, but still I like the time I spend here in Uganda, and look forward to the time to come.
From Me To You here is a little Christmas greeting: Hello, Goodby, Let it Be a good and friendly Christmas for you all.

How many names of Beatles songs can you find in this text?

mandag, desember 11, 2006

To sleep or not to sleep

Is to wake up at 2.AM and not managing to go sleep again a good ting or a bad ting?To find that out I will look at the different tings, and put them in Negative or Positive

Positive: - Have good time to read
- Can listen to your mp3 player.
- When the cook crows at 4.Am outside your window, you are already awake, so he dose not wake you up. Also at 4.15. 5.00, 6.00 and so on.
- You can sneeze-
- When the Cook at 4.30 has problems to crow, you can laugh.
- When the car alarm goes off, outside your window at 5.15. You are still not a sleep, so it will not wake you up.
- You have good time to think about the people that means a lot to you.
- You can think about your future, try to find out something clever.
- Since the power the last days, has been gone true the day, and only comes back in the night (3.30 Am I think), you can charge your mobile phone that is completely out of power.
- When the Alarm on your phone says it is time to stand up, you are already up.
- You will probably sleep a lot better the following night.

- You will maybe be a little tiered true the day.
- You will maybe have a little bit headache
- When you stand up you still do not have a clue for what you are going to do in the future.
- You now that the cook will try again next night, and several times
- If you sneeze too much, you will wake up your roommate.

- You can use your laptop, to play a game, watch movies, series, write your paper, blogs, and mails. (The problem is that I do not want to wake up my room mate, but if you have your one room and laptop you have many possibilities.
- You can train.
- Write letter for hand (if you like that).

So after I have looked at this, I just have to say that there is not any question about that staying awake true the night, has to be a positive ting. So if you think that the day has to little hours to do what you want, there is a lot of possibilities true the night.

Some question at the end.
1) I thought that the role to the cook was to wake up farmer, when the sun stands up. So can you tell me why he “cries” all true the night?2) Would you ever think about having a cook as a pet? Give me a good reason
3) What do you thing about my list? Do you a
ree? Or would you put it up a little different?

My bed

onsdag, desember 06, 2006

Trip to Bushenyi and Rwanda

On Wednesday we went to Bushenyi (me, Per, Aina and Ingrid) to visit Kathrine and Anne Margrethe. We stayed there until Friday morning when we all six went to Rwanda, where we stayed to Sunday. I hade a very good time, and there is a lot to tell, but I am not going to bore you with too much, so I will just tell a couple of things that we did do.On our trip south we stopped at the equator line, this was really cool, we could now be at the north, middle, and south and once. They also showed us a experience, the water in north and south will go different way, and in the middle, it will just go straight, if you pore water bucket (with hole) and let in pore out. Hard to explain, but I have filmed it, so when I come back I am going to showed it. It was something everyone should see, was so cool.
Bushenyi is a lovely place, and I fell much more relax there, than I am in Kampala, because it is so much more peaceful and the scenery is so beautiful.

So what about Rwanda and Kigali (the capital), I liked this town very much, its is very clean and beautiful. On Friday we just walk a little bit around the town, before we found a place to eat, I order spaghetti Bolognese, and it was so good, one of the best spaghetti I have ever eaten. On Saturday we were on another place, and eat pizzas, this were also very good, so I have a good experience with the food in Rwanda. Yeah, I now that I only ate Italian dishes :p
On Saturday we first visited a church where there in 94 was a massacre and than a Museum, the stories we where told and learn there, were so strong. In the church we visited, there was once 10 000 lock and killed inside the church. I can believe that people could and can do such ting to each other. I have no words to describe it, but I thing people should be told the stories, so that maybe we will learn, and than it will never happen again.We spend the day with and Australian backpacker, that luckily for us spoke very good French, so he could translate for us. Since the in Rwanda spoke French.I had a good time in Rwanda, and I my only regret is that we did not have more days to spend their.

The story of the hunt for “Sjokoladepålegg” (chocolate spread)

For the people that don now. Me and Per have searched all Kampala many times for chocolate spread (for ex: Nugatti, Sjokade or Nutella), we found that they had Nutella, but in Kampala all was/and are still sold out. And we have asked several times “When does the Nutella come in?” Maybe next week people tell us, every time. But to the point, on Friday, in the first shop vi visited in Kigali, what do we find in the shelves. Nutella and another brand, so me and Per have no 4 jars with Chocolate spreads. And hopefully they will have gotten more in Kampala, before we are finished with those
So what to search for next? Maybe Brunost and Stranda mør?

mandag, november 27, 2006

On Sunday, me, Per, Aina and Ingrid went with Jeb to Jinja, around to hours driving from Kampala. First of all this is a really a lovely little town comepared to Kampala, much more peaceful, cleaner and much more greener. The first thing we did there, was to visit the Source of the Nile, it is here where the River Nile starts. After that we went into the town to eat lunsj, before we went to another place, where we saw falls. Both of these places was so lovely to see, and also when we drove from Kampala to Jinja, the land was so green and open.If am lucky, I will get to put out some pictures to show you, that is much better than me telling you how it looks.

On Saturday I was in my first wedding here in Uganda, for Nicolas, one that works for FOCUS, and also stay with Sam (Where me and Per lived before), so we have gotten to now him. Weddings in Africa is bigger than in Norway, they had invited up to 400-500 people, in Uganda you invited everyone you now. So of course everyone is going to get server food. It was a nice wedding, of course some different compeard to Norwegian weddings. There where a lot of speeches, but neither the groom, bride or the best man spook, something that I am used to from home.
Ingrid, per og Aina

fredag, november 24, 2006

National Leadership Summit

Last weekend we where attending Focus’s national Leadership Summit. There was between 150-200 participants, mostly student’s leaders, but also some that works with FOCUS in different ways. The camp lied around an hour outside Kampala, along with the Victoria Lake. It was so nice to go out of the city, to stay near the lake and where there is open land. Our responsibility were to lead a bible group each every day, I think we did ok there. And we was also in the planning comity, so we helped if there were something and attended planning meeting every night, but the rest of the time we were ordinary participants.I had a very good weekend, good meetings, preachers, workshops groups and of course the people there. It was nice to spent time with so many youths. For me personal it was also good to play football again, I have misted it the last six weeks.

Every day me and Per took a morning bath at six a clock in the morning, it was lovely and much warmer than what we are used too :p

On Saturday Eivind, Anne Margrethe and Kathrine came and visited us at the camp, they where spending there weekend in Kampala, they where there for some hours before they went back. On Sunday we eat dinner with them in the city before they went home to Mbale and Bunsjeni. It’s was so nice to see them again. And we have started making plans to visit them. Eivind and Thomas I think we have to wait to after the Infield Course, but Anne Margrethe and Kathrine, we maybe can visit next week, for we are planning on going to Rwanda together with them in that weekend, so we will maybe go down to them a day before-

onsdag, november 15, 2006

Host Family

On Friday me and Per finally got a host family. We got the messages, and that the son in our Host family was ready to take us to the house, packed in 10 minutes.
We live only 15 minutes walk from the FOCUS office, so we can walk to work every day, so that is nice. We have no been there for three days, and so fare I like it there. We have not seen or talked so much to our “host parents”, since day have been busy all weekend. The father is a senior pastor at a Deliverance Church, the mother is a nurse. They seem very nice and friendly
Patrick (one of the brothers) and Per
They have 5 sons and some family members so they also see as their brothers and sister. We have talked to some of the brothers, epically the one that lives at the house, and we go along good with them. And they have said they will love to be our African brothers.
we have a guard dog, a cat, a rooster and three turkeys.
The house and our room are also fine.


On Saturday we all four where visiting a friend in the evening. We was 9 people altogether, it was really nice to just hang out with some people. We eat food, talked, listen to music, and laugh. We was talking about having a barbecue, but of several reasons we decided to do that another time, instead we had a good mixture of food; Barbecued sausage, chocolate, chocolate cookies, bread, butter, bananas, banana chips cornflakes, , warm/cold water, milk powder, tee, Coca Cola, honey, juice. So it was really a good mixture :PI hade a good time, fun no finally just hang out with some youths for a evening.

The day after me and Per went together with our Host Family to a really African Barbecue, here the make a lot off food, with much different things.In the picture below you can see me eating :P and Per`s plate with food.

mandag, november 06, 2006

Pizza evening

Saturday evening the girls came to Sam’s house, tonight we were going to make some food that we wanted. So on Friday we decided on what we should make, and want to buy. We decided on Pizza and porridge (Norwegian style, brought all the way from Norway). The girls made everything, and they did a very good job, both the pizza and the porridge was great. They had to go over to Vincent (his neighbour house) to roast the pizza. I did not do so much, took picture and went a little trip to the shop to buy sodas and Pringles. Per helped a little. Since it was a Norwegian porridge, and it was only to put milk into it, warm up and stir, both me and Per said that we could help. Since that we could also do, that was a task we could manage. (first of all, we can also make pizza, but to make pizza back home and here, is some different :P ). Aina said than (Translated in to English): ”Ok, you guys can cook the porridge”, but after she had thought few seconds “But wait, I don’t want the porridge to get burn. So I’ll do it my self” I do it my self, I do it my self. Hehe I laugh so much, almost like saying “boys can’t cook”. By the way I said I have cooked porridge for over 60 people (last year when we hade Christmas decoration workshop, I was in charge for making the porridge), and I made two big casserole with porridge without burning it. So I rest my case :PSo I said this to Aina (with of course irony in my voice) and that I should write about these in my next blog. Hehe JIt was good to have some food you like very much, we have bought pizza in the town sometimes, but homemade is homemade. And to eat Norwegian rice porridge was extra nice. I think I’ll have to ask my mother to send me some packages with rice porridge and maybe some other “light” food. Because it is good to have some food you used to, and that you like very much. Somebody said that “Vestlansk lefse” also was a thing that is easy to send by mail.I now that both she and Ingrid will be reading the blog when I publish it, since I said I will write about this event.

So I will end by writing Tanks for the food, it was really good!!

onsdag, november 01, 2006

First Work out

Finaly yesteday I went for a 30-40 min jogging trip, and then a little pushups and situps.
3 weeks with out traing, thats a least 2 weeks to much. But I do no live in the best area to jogg, but I just had do train:p
I found at my shape is not on top, and that it is harder in the heat, and it is very important to drink water.
One of my bosses should show me a better road to jogg at next time. so that will be nice.

I hope that I can join som people and play som fotball when we have gotten into the system at the university. And I think I shall try and find out when and where CHRISC (KRIK), and maby join that.

Me and Per still live with Sam, but it seems that soon they will find a host family for us, so it will be exiting to see where we shall stay.
Thats all for now, over and out!

Have a nice day

fredag, oktober 27, 2006


So far, so Good

Picture from Amsterdam Airpot

I have no been in Uganda for 15 days, and I like it here. These week we also have started to organising the work we are going to do here, and we have also been visiting the university a couple of times, and have meet some of the people we are going to work together with, so that is good. The last days it has been raining a lot, and the temperature has gotten a little bit down, but for me, it had made it easier so sleep at night, but people tell me all the time, just wait, it will get warmer. And for me it is warm enough now :p

I have also gotten to do a lot of reading, both books from Hald and other books. It is good to have something to read while you are waiting, or some music to listen to. I have written two book reports, just one left before Christmas, but I also have to start writing the paper I have to do, before Christmas we have to write something about culture. The paper is not so big, and I have some ideas abut what I shall write about, and how to collect the information. So my plan is to be finished before the end of November.

onsdag, oktober 18, 2006

Day off

Today we have the day off from the office, so me and Per is in the town and sitting on a internett cafe.. So I will write a littlebit more on my blogg. I hope that the next time I also can put out a picture or two.

Yesterday we was told that me and Per is in fact going to work together after all, so that is good. We are going to work at university called MOBS. On monday we was on that school, and attended a meeting with the care group leaders. I look forward to start go their, think we will start next week. We are going to have a meeting on Sunday, where we are going to find out how ofte we shall work at the office and how often we shall work at MOBS.
We started yesterday to do some work in the FOCUS office, it felt good to do something:P

mandag, oktober 16, 2006

In Uganda

it’s now Sunday, we have been in Uganda and Kampala since Tuesday. It has been some good days, little bit ups and downs, but I am looking forward to start to work it the universities, which we will do in some days. My first impression of Uganda is very good; especially the people are very friendly and warm. I feel so welcome every where I go. Of course there is also some thing to get used to, like the food, the power situation (it is never easy to say when we have power or not), the climate, and also this “African time”. But the will come with time, so I am not worried about that. There are also many internet cafes to use, but we have not had any chances yes, so now I am using the internet in the office of Focus. I think also that the speed of the internet is mostly slower here, so I am not sure about who it will be to put out so many pictures. They have advertise poster of broadband, so I hope I can find a internet café with higher speed (maybe also at the universities)The first days we stayed at a guest house just outside the city of Kampala, it was a very nice place. On Friday we moved to Sam`s house, the girls is going to move to their host family today, me and Per is going to stay here the first month, before we move to live together with a STAM Worker. Aina and Ingrid is going to work at Makerere University here in Kampala, around 30 000 students go there. Per is going to work at Mobs, a university just outside Kampala. I am going to work at a University just outside Entebbe, around 1 hour from Kampala, but there is a chance I will move to a closer one, since it could be a lot travelling each days, because of there is a lot traffic jams, it could easily take over 1 ½ hour every way. So it will be exiting to see.Our nearest neighbour now is a “Mosque”, and they have prayers several times true the day, with one of the speakers is directly up to Sam’s house. The last prayer is finished at 10pm. the first starts a little bit over 5.am, and since I weak up easily I think I have to try go to bed before I usually do:P to day (Sunday) luckily it was no service at the morning, but I woke up at 5.am and just lie in my bed and waited for them to start, but I think I got an hour sleep, before I went out bed.On Saturdays we are going to work at a school for children up to 20 years, but mostly younger than 15. This is children from the slum, that Focus gives the chance to an extra day of school. Here they learn: English, life skills, health and bible studies. They also get some meals true the day. Of course there is time to play and have fun also. This day we just were there to observe, to talk to the kids and the staff. But in the future we are also going to try to teach a little bit, that will be a fun challenge, especially with my handwriting on the blackboard: P At the evening Sam had invited some of his families and friends to dinner, this was a good end to a good day. The food good and the people were nice. So when the power did go off for the second time (but it did no destroy the good mood), we just decided to go to bed, after a shower. I think I was finished showering, writing on my laptop, reading, listening to music and praying before the clock was more than 22.30. And I think I was sleeping before eleven. So I think this is a new record for a Saturday :PToday we to a Kampala Pentecostal Church, I think there were around 1500 people for this service, and they have 4 services on Sundays. And four other smaller churches around the city. It’s was a nice service, and next week they are going to have KPC festival of hope, there Brian and Bobbie Houston from Hillsong will attend (and more). They are going to have most of this festival outside (from Thursday to Sunday). They hope that around 15 000 people will attend the big outdoors Sunday meeting.I hope that I will have the chance to update my blog at least one time a week and that I also can put some picture out.Hope all of you people reading this are in good mood and have a good health

mandag, oktober 09, 2006

Last days at home

I have had some good days at home these weekend, I have gotten to meet many friends and family members, so I think I am ready to go to Uganda now, just have to pack first, but it is over 9 hours to the plane lives still. I think wil write some words about this weekend, and post som picture, while I am waiting for the Grandiosa to be finished ;)

On Friday after I came home, my mother has invited my, Grandma, uncles, aunts and cousins to supper. This was very fun, because for me family is very important, and I like it when we are together, it is always fun:) I will realy miss them all.. The same evening I was on a little trip to my local church, where there was a youth evening, where people could come and have fun, it was nice to see people again.

On Saturday I were on a little trip to Ålesund to buy the last thing before I go. My and Per went togethere, and we meet: Stine, Marte, Ragnhild and Chrstina. 6 of the 7 Sunnmøringa from Hald:P In the evening it was to watch a football match and be social..

On Sunday it was time for the last fotballmatch for my team for these season, we lost 4-3 againg HaNo, but it was nice to have a last time together withe my team mates, and if was fun to play a little..
At the evening me and 9 of my friends had a bibelgroup, this was good to have before I go to Uganda, and I special when we prayed for every time, one at each time, was a good ting to take with me to a new countrie...

I think I should go and do something useful now, and I promise to be better updating my blog in the futere;)

Here is some picture from the fotballmatch and biblegroup;


I have not been so good at writing my blog this last month at Hald, I will try to be much better when I am in Kampala.
It`s now less then 10 Hours before I will take the plane to Oslo, and tomorrow we will go from Oslo to Amsterdam, and then to Kampala!!

What can I write about the last month? It has been a very good month, I have had a very good time, I have learned much, and gotten many good friends. We have had a very good fellowship, so all you people from Hald reading this... Thank u and good luck in your practis place:)

This is Per and a fire truck, for a week or two, there was some days (and nights) that there where a problem with the firealarm, and it started many times. The worst was when it started 3 times in a night, so it was little sleep that night:P But at last they found out what the error was, it was bugs in the sensor:P

The two days of september, Fokus and Team Nettverk went to Kristiansand to take part of the Global Leadership Summit. This was a interesting, and I good many good ideas. If you wany to know more about these, you can read here

There is much I should have write about this last month, but now I am not sure what:P so i will end this post with some picture from the farwell party

søndag, september 17, 2006


Kari Helene, Marianne, Marit, Silje and Stine
It`s almost to weeks since I have last updated my blog, and that is not good:P I shall try to be better. Like many have found out, I write english know, why? why not:P hehe

Thursday 8 of September we had "Brazilian Night" at the school, because Brazil had their national day on Wednesday 7. We dressed up in Brazilian coulurs, yellow, green or blue. We started this night with at the Brazilian at the school told us some information about the country, showed pictures and some music.

Than we got to try out national dance,
I do not remeber the name,
but is similiar to what we call "polonese" in Norwegian. Her is a picture of Rapaela and Tais in the clothes that they use in this dance.
We ended the evening with eating a national dish called Feijoad (beans, onions, pepper, bacon, rice, pork meat, orange, spicy souce and spices)

At Tuesday 12 of september we had at meating with our boss in Uganda, his name was Sam and he is working for Focus. We got much information about what we are going to do in Uganda, first of all he said that me and Per is going to work in Kampala insted of Mabarara. Aina-Marie and Ingrid is also going to stay in Kampala, we are going to work in 4 schools and also live apart.
picture of Kampala
We are going to live with a host familie or the student we are going to work with at the school. Every day we shall meet at the Focus senter in the start of the day, and on Saturdays we are going to work in a school in the slum, and teach a little. So we four from Hald will se each other:P
Sam is also going to ger married in early Oktober, some time after it is time for the weddig-paty, and this are we invited too:) I will write more about what my work is and of course the wedding when I have got started in Uganda.

The first month at Hald, has gone fast, and has been good. I have gotten to now many nice people and also learn a lot both in class and also from each other students. Especially when it comes to culture understanding.
So I look posetively at the last month at Hald, and of course at the idea of going to Uganda.. :)

onsdag, september 06, 2006


No er det ikkje meir enn litt over ein måned før eg reisar til Uganda, so der er kanskje på tide med litt informasjon om dette landet.

Det bor ca 25 milionar i landet, hovudstaden heiter Kampala. Det er her eg skal bo i 6 månadar, å ikkje i Mabarar som vi først fikk beskjed om. Dei offisielle språka er: engelsk å Swahili. Men det blir også snakka ein del forskjellige lokale språk.

Uganda er eit frodig land, der man finne blant annet eleven Victoria Nilen og ikkje minst Lake Victoria som er en av verdas største innsjøar. Tempraturen er i snitt 26 grader om dagen og 16 grader om natten. Landet har for det meste savanne vegitasjon.

Litt lite informasjon, vil du vita meir, så kan du lese mer om Uganda her

tirsdag, september 05, 2006


Har også fått tid til å trene litt menst eg har vore her, blitt mest joggetura.
I Mandal er der mange kilometer me løypere i skog og strandomåråde, slik at det er utrulig herlige å berre ta me sej mp3 speleren å jogge seg ein tur.

Idag var eg å per en liten gå tur i skogen med kamerane våre, slik at eg fekk visa kor fint disse løypene er:)

søndag, september 03, 2006


Har nå lagt ut en heil del bilder på http://kayamund.spaces.live.com/
Vil bruke denne som fotoalbum framover, skal prøve å skrive når eg legger ut ny bilder.
Der ligger link til denne siden under "Bilde side" på menyen.

onsdag, august 30, 2006

Litt ymse

Hei igjen, på tide med ei lita oppdatering!

For det første, Eg har ikkje bestemt meg for kva mål eg skal bruka.. så det kan henda at det blir ei fin blanding mellom dialekt, ny-norsk og bokmål.... Å litt ymse skrive feil her og der:P
Kan hende eg skriver litt mer på engelsk når eg kjem til Uganda...Vi får se:)

Har nå vøre på Hald i 2 veker, tida gjenge veldig fort, en oppleve mykje kvar dag. Lære mykje om seg sjølv og andre, veldig kjekt å spennede å møte folk fra forskjellige kultura. Deler blant anna rom med ein fra Brasil og ein fra Laos.

Sist helg so hadde oss ei helg uten mobila og klokke. Oss blei kjørt til en en plass som heitte Hynnekleiv, som vanligvis blir brukt som en leirskule. På programmet denne helga, sto "Teambulding". Her gjekk det både på teoretiske oppgave å praksise oppgave. Oss jobba både i tam på 2 og av og til i større team. Eine gongen, skulle vi være "blindebukk" at me den du skal reise ut me (for meg er det Per Oddvin). Vi skulle gå en trase oppver fjellet, den eine skulle være blind å den andre skulle lede. Både denne og andre øvelser var veldig spennede!
Der va også tid for en del sosiale aktiviteta, særlig når oss sammlas rundt bålet ned me elva om kvelden, var kosla :)

Blei en lang "post" denne gangn, rengna me det ikkje blir like lang kvar gang..

Dette bilder er ifra elven i Hynnekleiv
Har tatt en del bilder, skal prøve å legg dei ut på "bildesida" som dokke finne link til på menyen ette kvart:)

mandag, august 21, 2006


I går (Søndag 21.August) var jeg og fire andre fra Hald en tur i Dyreparken.
En veldig morosam tur:)

fredag, august 18, 2006


I skule året 2006/2007 skal jeg gå på Hald Internasjonale Senter.
SKal blant annet være 6 måneder i Uganda.
for mer informasjon: http://www.hald.no/